How I got scouted – Mimmi February 2025

Mimmi tells us how she was scouted and started her modeling career


Can you share the story of how you were scouted or discovered? Where were you, and how did it happen?

I was scouted in LA on the street, I have had many approach me before that point but I never knew if it was serious so I turned it down until I met my mother agent that I felt secure and happy with. As soon as I got signed I  started modeling in LA and New York.


How did your family and friends react when they found out you were starting a career in modeling?

My parents have always thought I was the most beautiful thing (as parents do) so I believe they thought it was fun. They did not let me start modeling when I was underage as they have been around the modeling scene in their work and they found it to be to intense for a young girl and women especially. I found that very annoying as a child and would get mad that they did not let me model as I got approached. As I grew up I learned to appreciate that. To be a model you need to be secure in yourself first. That is my number 1 tip. It is challenging, there are toxic views and practices in the modeling industry. Keep your head on your shoulders, learn to say no when uncomfortable and do not let anyone make you feel bad about your body or looks. With age most people become more secure of themselves. If I had started as a child, I believe that would have been very hard for me. Kudos to my parents đŸ©·


Looking back, what advice would you give to young models who are just starting after being scouted?

If I would give advise to younger me I would say to get an agent sooner, they can handle all the nitty gritty. I would also say that it’s ok not to do every shoot. If it is not your vibe or it feels uncomfortable it’s ok to just skip it. With that said, also have fun with it. Be open to expressing yourself and take pride in your work!


What was the first job or opportunity you had as a model? How did it feel stepping into that world for the first time?

My first job opportunity was a Travis Scott music video, I do not do music videos anymore but I had fun as a 18 year old. After that I did shoots with for smaller brands such as Toit Volant, that really made me fall in love with modeling. It was a great vibe on set, a lot of praise, good music, comfortable environment and respect between everyone in the studio. After that I grew and did bigger brands as I went. It has been a great journey!